Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Quick One...

So a quick little post here but I MUST share this song. Because I am in love. In love. Or perhaps, more accurately, in love again. Eddie Argos, lead singer of Art Brut, mastermind of my year-end topping Bang Bang Rock and Roll, the songsmith who won me over completely with Good Weekend (with possibly the best line/delivery in a song ever...."I've seen her naked....twice.....I'VE SEEN HER NAKED......TWWWWICEEEE!"), and the artist who disappointed me with the rifftacularly disappointing A Little Bit Complicated (okay fine, Nag Nag Nag Nag rocked) is back in full form with the band Glam Chops and I am, once again, in love.

So in love I'm resorting to horrific run-on sentences. Yes yes indeed.

But first, back history (if this post were a movie, this would be a cool flash back, possibly in black and white and absolutely in slow motion). Summer of '04. I, but a wee youth in the summer post freshman year of college, had for the first time a job and thusly, for the first time, money. And like any 18 year old college student with money for the first time, I spent it. All of it. You do not care to know how many CD's I bought that summer but I did receive a personal letter from the RIAA thanking me for my efforts to help negate the effects of piracy. Most likely my best purchase that summer was Rhino's No Thanks! punk rock boxset. A four disc education into the miracle of d.i.y., lo-fi, and three chords played quickly. It, if I may refrain from hyperbole, changed my life. I like lots of types of music. Heck, I like most types of music. But I love punk. I love the ideas behind it, I love the loud guitars, I love that you don't actually need to know what you're doing to be able to make some incredibly powerful and long lasting statements. Looking back now, four years later, I can see a large part of the personal philosophy that I follow today was derived from the No Thanks! box set, Our Band Could Be Your Life, and Please Kill Me; all things I experienced that summer.

So how does this relate to Glam Chops? First off (and most importantly, I feel), Glam Chops is the best name for a band that ever has been and likely ever will be. Honestly, all bands from now on should be given a numeric name, preferable in chronological order. No more will we have to deal with Clap Your Parade of Arcade Stars. No, they'll simply by known as Band #217. It is now useless to go on naming our bands with words because there will never be a more perfect name that Glam Chops.

Now that we've established that fact....

I love their song (and it's the only song of theirs that I've heard) "Are You Ready Eddie, Eddie Are You Ready?" because it sounds JUST like it came from the No Thanks! box set. It is absolutely perfect three minutes and thirty two seconds of of mid-1970's punk rock. Think (appropriately enough) of Eddie and the Hot Rods. It's glam-y, yes (it does have horns and a hit of Bowie after all) but it's also punk but more pub band punk. This song could be slipped onto No Thanks! and given to a 18 year old me and I wouldn't be able to tell it didn't belong. I'd probably actually guess it was just a Modern Lovers track.

Oh and did I mention that the last minute of the song is Eddie Argos singing/speaking/rapping over a bit that is highly (and by "highly" I mean they flat our stole but it's punk, it's okay) reminiscent of The Ramones, specifically Pinhead? I didn't? Well, I just did. It's amazing. Probably the pinnacle of my life, really.

But I don't wanna hype up this song too much. Here is the link. Click. Listen. Love. And, um, give me a job. Seriously.

Glam Chops - Are You Ready Eddie, Eddie Are You Ready?

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