Sunday, April 6, 2008


Sorry for the lack of posts, I've been busy trying to graduate, etc. I write this as I take a break from my 40 page paper (single spaces, of course) which is due in a little over a week.

Also, I've been hard at work on a new venture I hope to be able to pull off. I'm not going to say much about it now but it relates to the ideas I've been putting forward on the Tumblr I started, which is here: ThirdWaveofMusic

I'm seeing Man Man twice next week and Yeasayer once so I should get some good pictures/video to post after that. I also have some thoughts on lo-fi/Emperor X written that I need to post.

Things will pick up considerably once I finish up my degree in a few weeks.


ilovesleep said...

I will leave you an out of place coment too... did you notice I jacked your ra ra riot youtube video? I was @ that Bowery show too, first time I saw them I was hooked, plus Wes is so dreamy. Nice video though!!! I am linking your bloggy in my favs :)

ilovesleep said...

I was right up close in the middle for that show... i have some pix on myspace (i iz private, u must request to c the pix) sorry (been on allz dai)